The skills to be effective in communication are being tested on a daily basis. Stephanie has designed web-based programs for managers and leaders to help make the most of remote meetings and keep teams engaged and united. Please reach out to see how she may customize learning to fit your organizational need and culture.
Facilitate the emergence of an authentic, unique personal style – no one-size-fits-all system, but the development of what is best in the individual.
One-on-one coaching combining skills and techniques developed over years of training and professional experience in the performing arts as well as delivering successful corporate presentations and public speaking.
The emergence of a strong individual communication style while diminishing personal obstacles to successful self-presentation.
Stephanie does not recycle on-the-shelf pre-made programs. She researches your company’s culture, industry, differentiators, goals, and the experience level of the team. With that information, she designs a unique, interactive and enjoyable, high-impact program that makes a measurable difference.
Many speaking English as a second or third language have never been given direct, one-on-one feedback for challenging sounds and stress patterns that exist in English and nowhere else. They are doomed to being misunderstood and potentially disregarded due to simple issues of pronunciation and style, despite their competence and expertise.
Knowledge and use of the phonetic alphabet and the physiology and mechanics of sound production come together in one-on-one sessions including interactive work, exercises and audio materials. Customized “homework” complements the work done in session.
New awareness and a change in habits allowing the expertise and personality of the client to shine through, improving communication at work and elsewhere.
Stephanie elevates conferences and events to new levels of enthusiasm and engagement. Find out how she can shift mindset around presenting and communication and, with a few highly effective tools and techniques, make an instant difference for your participants.
Anyone can read bullet points aloud to an audience – and no one wants to listen to them do it. A big part of meaningful communication is how the information is brought to an audience – of one or of many. The words we choose, the context we provide, the tone we set, and the thoughtful development of ideas all contribute to an influential and consequential message. Stephanie will help you employ skillful messaging and deliver it effectively. With that approach, you can change minds and inspire action.
Video can be an our best friend or our worst enemy. To come across authentically, project our best self, and convey our message clearly under the stress of the camera and microphone takes technique and practice. Body language, tone of voice – especially with stiff, memorized text – and facial expression betray feelings of uncertainty and anxiety. Stephanie will provide a safe environment to practice on-camera and tools and exercises to improve delivery. With honest, supportive feedback Stephanie can help you polish your presence and grow the valuable skills necessary for success.