I feel like I knocked it out of the park . . . This was my first time working with a professional coach and you made it very comfortable. You understood and took my goals seriously from the start. I feel like I have taken a big step forward on my professional path. Thanks so much!

Wanted to let you know the presentation went very well and got the promotion!  Thanks again for your assistance earlier this year.

I was the first to present and they were really interested in some of the key stuff, they were throwing questions left/right. Ended up being up on the stage for 1 hour and 10 min! It was really great!

I want to thank you again for the past couple of days! It truly was so helpful being that I am deathly afraid of public speaking. All the tips that were given helped me grow . . . Your exercises were truly incredible

We were so fortunate to have you lead our Lunch and Learn series. I have heard nothing but positive feedback from the attendees. Many of us have already started to incorporate your approach into our meetings and presentations which is the highest compliment of all. I hope we do have the opportunity to get together again soon.

I think my talk went very well . . . and I felt that I had their full attention. I felt comfortable and prepared at the start. I just jumped in and spoke without my notes. I didn’t fumble at all . . . I felt I was able to talk through my outline smoothly and naturally with good, logical transitions . . . After my talk . . . my boss, the president of my company came up to me and said, "Excellent! On all points!

Thank you so much for checking! It went well. I got really nice compliments from our head fundraiser the next day — it was the first time she’d heard me present and she said she was texting others during the meeting telling them that I was doing really well.

Thank you so much for all your support Stephanie!!! It was a really tough time for me and you were instrumental in helping me accomplish this!

________ is really enjoying working with you – and it is clear he has up’ed his game as a result. I’d like to give it a go as well. What’s the best way to advance the ball?

You were so helpful and positive, and most importantly, encouraging. The video clips were super helpful too - I could monitor myself and try to fix things. It really helped. And today - the presentation was a success!! At least I think it was as I’ve gotten a lot of compliments from different countries. I wanted to share this with you as soon as I came back to my hotel room!

Thank you so much for your very expert guidance, advice, and support in making this presentation. You were so helpful in shifting my mind set and approach. You inspired me to think differently and clearly about what I want to accomplish overall and in each section of the narrative.

Thank you so much for being in touch. The presentation was awesome! It went really well. I got really great feedback and much of it involved people saying that the presentation itself was so meaningful and in particular clear and engaging. I was so well prepared because of you.

I wanted to let you know that I finally received word that I did get into the [leadership] program! I thought the presentation went well - much better ‘in person’ this time. Thanks for all your help with the content and delivery of the presentation, I’m sure your suggestions led directly to me getting in.

Thank you again for all your help. You made this an experience that I will remember forever in a positive way. I look forward to our next project!

Once again your coaching was very helpful and all meetings went well. I appreciate your good advice and suggestions and will definitely continue to work with you in the future.

Rave reviews from the team. And very exciting to see you in action. I look forward to the individual sessions and phase 2!

Thanks for [our first] session yesterday, strangely enough I already feel more confident today.

Our work together made all the difference . . . I [was able to] put more of my personality and warmth--not just expertise--into the whole presentation.

Apparently we killed it. Top 3 of 10 teams. Met some investors after. Will send you the video.

. . . quick note to once again say THANK YOU for a terrific 2-days. I have taken a number of presentation workshops and I say far and away yours provided the most useable information, strategies and insights. I can’t wait to begin to integrate them into my repertoire.

My supervisor ____________ took your class years ago and still remembers it as a life-changing experience.

If I was a 2 before, I was an 8 today . . . Thank you so much Stephanie for your awesome coaching and tough love - you've been critical in this effort . . . I couldn't have done it on my own.

We just wanted to send an email to thank you for your time and your captivating presentation today. We have received so many positive comments and feedback from the whole team. We know you spent a lot of time and attention to developing this specifically for our group and that absolutely was shown today.

______ was a super star at our board meeting last week. He’s found his voice. The others were much improved. Very good reports from your work with us. More to come!

Thank you for another profound workshop. I always get so much from your energy and teachings it revitalizes me in a big way.

FYI, last week, ***, *** and I did a presentation to 600+ employees. Feedback was great, and *** and *** were highly praised for their presentation skills. Most of all—Stephanie has made a difference. They seem to know what to work on now, and how to address issues.

Thanks again for holding the presentation workshop for us. I think it really makes us aware of some of the things that we can definitely approve upon in meetings that we’re having, which we wouldn’t have been able to recognize ourselves. For myself personally, I think it will have an immediate impact and I’m sure it will for the rest of the group as well. So thanks again, I think it was very important for us.

I wanted to say thank you for all of your help with the presentations last week. After speaking with the teams, I think that they found it very helpful, and found you to be a great person to work with . . . we look forward to working with you in the future.

I wanted to let you know that _____ has told me that our program was one of their most successful. The reviews were really good, and I was asked to return next year as co-chair. Thank you so much for your coaching. I really appreciate all your help.

. . . I feel like I knocked it out of the park . . . This was my first time working with a professional coach and you made it very comfortable. You understood and took my goals seriously from the start. I feel like I have taken a big step forward on my professional path. Thanks so much!

How can I thank you? You are like the friend that few of us have, but all desperately need. . . the one who leans in and says, ‘Psst, you’ve got spinach in your teeth.’ You were great in helping me break my worst habits by gently calling attention to things I’ve always done, but never knew – they were totally unconscious mannerisms.

I’ve been meaning to call you. It went well. I’ve gotten a great amount of positive feedback. I definitely enjoyed the experience. Thanks so much for your help!!

You were very helpful, thank you! You gave me very concrete, actionable items I found helpful to improve the speech.

I also want to thank you again for a terrific presentation at the coaching salon. The information you provided is definitely useful for everyone, whether it be for interactions at work or for networking at an event.

Just got in so wanted to give you an update re: today’s presentation. I did an Awesome job today!!! It went really well and so many executives complimented me on the presentation!

Thank you so much for your very expert guidance, advice, and support in making this presentation. You were so helpful in shifting my mind set and approach. You inspired me to think differently and clearly about what I want to accomplish overall and in each section of the narrative.

The team loved the session. Thank you again for pulling it together with such short notice. Afterwards we discussed the possibility of doing a team session annually or even semi-annually. I am looking forward to continuing to work with you in the future!

Went very well today.  Got tons of positive feedback . . . Thank you so much for your help.  I would have never have gotten here without you.

I spoke with _________ today and he told me the workshop was life changing!!! He left feeling more motivated and engaged than ever and closer to his colleagues. He raved about you and hopes you can hold a workshop for the team every year!

Stephanie, I killed it.  We all did great.  Thanks for your help!

We just got finished with the talk and it went AWESOME. We had a full house and the creative leadership loved the talk so much they asked us to come back and speak to their entire creative team over all their brands. That’s kind of a big deal! :) You were right - I followed everything you said and kept my nerves down. We both really delivered and several people came by and said it was inspiring. They were also nodding and taking notes and everyone stayed even later to ask us Q&As. It really gave us the boost of confidence to keep pursuing this track. We could not have done it without you and your guidance.

I wanted to drop you a note to let you know that I felt really good about my presentation yesterday! I feel so much better about it than I did last time. When I asked my boss how I did, he said I was a different person. Thank you so much for all your great help and advice!!!

[the event] was great!!! Thank you for all your help and circling back. Really well received!

You’re good at what you do. Learn How to let it show.

An individual works hard to reach a place of respect and authority in her or his chosen profession. Effective self-presentation adds confidence and allows one’s unique personality and expertise to shine through – in fact, it is key in separating from the pack and reaching higher goals. As competition increases, these skills become more essential in demonstrating value to an employer, manager, or board.

You’ve done your best to reach this professional level. It’s time to develop what it takes to reach the next one.

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The Goal

Focused, engaging presence and communication delivered with poise and purpose.

The Challenge

Find a path to develop skills and strategies to accomplish this aim while also projecting confidence, warmth, and credibility.

The Solution

Obtain individualized coaching to grow these necessary skills and establish a reliable strategy to hit the mark every time.

The Result

A natural, confident delivery that comes from knowing what you’re doing, why you're doing it, and how to reach your goal.

SSC Provides Training, Tools, and Techniques

Watch A Free Video With 5 Great Speaking Tips
  • Executive Presence: Polishing Presentation/Manner
  • Overcoming Speaking/Communication Anxiety
  • Last-Minute Presentation 911
  • Media Training
  • Modifying Accents for Clarity and Intelligibility
  • Managing Complex/Technical Material
  • Cultivating a More Effective Communication Style
  • Incorporating and Interacting with Visuals
  • Developing Tools for Dynamic Speaking
  • Conducting Communication 360° Interviews
  • Sharpening Presentation Skills for Attorneys